Geohex is manufactured in Australia via an injection mould process using 100% recycled high impact co-polymer polypropylene. In dry areas Geohex will require you to have access to a good watering system if it was to be used on your horse arena. It is important to remember that arenas require a certain amount of water to maintain the quality of the ride. This enables riders to use the arena sooner than they would generally be able to do so. Geohex porous pavers have also been installed underneath horse arenas that are in high rainfall areas to promote drainage. There is nothing more frustrating than having a paddock shelter, built for your horses so they can get out of the rain, only for them to stand in water, because they have pawed hollows previously. Geohex grid pavers have been used as a floor in stables and day yards to prevent pawing, creating an uneven surface, also reducing the dust. Geohex ground stabilising pavers have also been installed in gateways, and in the entry of arenas and lane ways, to prevent wear and tear that can become unpleasant to look at, and a hazard when it becomes wet. Crusher Dust can be used, and it provides a much firmer surface. Geohex plastic pavers, prevent the soil around grass roots from being compacted, hence enabling the grass to grow. One of the main reasons grass doesn’t grow in day yards is to do with compaction of the soil around the roots. In this scenario we have had the day yard prepared by taking back the top layer of soil and installing the Geohex paver,then refilling it with the existing top soil, which will eventually encourage the grass to grow back through. G eohex grid pavers have been successfully installed in horse day yards to prevent a mud pit in unfavourable weather. Geohex is a permanent solution to address this potential issue and let’s face it, none of us, including cows and horses, like walking through mud. With today ’s WHS obligations it is important that everyone minimises and prevents risks where possible. Gateways are a high traffic area that are subject to wear and tear in all weather conditions, let alone when they become wet. We can recommend with confidence that Geohex porous pavers will permanently fix the “Wet Issue”. For example around gateways which are notorious for becoming a hazard in wet weather. Geohex is commonly recommended for installation in any high wear area, which has a tendency to quickly “Bog Up” and erode away after even a little amount of rain. When it comes to using a porous paver like Geohex recycled grid on agricultural and equestrian properties, the opportunities are endless. Geoh ex’s porous feature enables the water to seep through and soak into the ground, therefore preventing run –off which is the leading cause of the rutting at the edge of concrete. Unlike concrete which just transfers the problem the advantage of a ground stabilising paver like Geohex is it’s permeability. Marketing Geohex for use around feed & water troughs to prevent erosion became a ‘no-brainer’. Geohex was tested in the University of Newcastle to have a load bearing capability of over 1200sm / tonne (originally designed for mine hauling roads).įor a product that was originally designed for such heavy traffic use, the benefits of Geohex was quickly realised within the agricultural industry.
Geohex provides a safer environment, reducing water run –off, run-off that potentially leads to pollution in waterways, plus it greatly reduces erosion. Geohex is accepted through a broad range of industries including Civil, Landscaping, Construction, Government, Agriculture and Equestrian. Geohex’s plastic grid design and ingenuity has found a multitude of applications from preventing erosion underneath livestock troughs, stabilising turf, or as a plastic grid to hold gravel on driveways. When joined together, the plastic pavers become an environmentally friendly alternative to concrete. Geohex is a unique ground stabilisation paver manufactured in Australia. What is Geohex ? – It is an Erosion Control System. Looking for a permanent solution to muddy areas that are subjected to continual traffic? We have the solution with Geohex.