
Kindle vella
Kindle vella

To protect readers from purchasing Kindle Vella content they have already read in a different format, you cannot:


Kindle Vella is a serial reading experience. In addition to our existing guidelines, we’ve listed new content guidelines related to Kindle Vella below. Link to the rest at Kindle Vella Kindle Vella – Content GuidelinesĮxisting content and metadata guidelines for eBooks apply for Kindle Vella content. The number of Tokens needed to unlock an episode is determined by the episode’s word count at the rate of one token per 100 words. To make it easy for readers to find stories they love, the first few episodes of every story are free. You’ll also be eligible for a launch bonus based on customer activity and engagement. You’ll earn 50% of what readers spend on the Tokens that are used to unlock your story’s episodes. How will I earn royalties through Kindle Vella? To ensure a good customer experience, Kindle Vella does not accept content that’s freely available. If you have a story in this format that is available elsewhere, you can also publish it with Kindle Vella. To provide the best experience for readers, Kindle Vella stories should be written specifically to be released in a serial format, one 600–5,000 word episode at a time. If you’re not ready to publish or don’t want all your episodes to go live at once, we recommend leaving episodes in a Draft status, then publishing or scheduling publication after the Kindle Vella store is live for readers. We recommend publishing at least 5-10 episodes before stories become available so readers can dig in right away. If you publish a story before Kindle Vella is available to readers, all stories in compliance with our content guidelines with a Live status will be ready and waiting when Kindle Vella stories become available.

kindle vella

With Kindle Vella, you can choose to publish your episode immediately or schedule publication on a future date. What happens if I publish an episode before the Kindle Vella store is available to readers? Readers will be able to enjoy your stories when we make the Kindle Vella store available in the next few months. When will my story be available to readers? Link to the rest at Kindle Vella Reader Experience Kindle Vella FAQ Frequently asked questions 1. In this example, we are assuming no taxes or fees. (Number of Tokens to unlock episode) * (Tokens bundle price/# Tokens in bundle – taxes and fees) * (50% rev share) = Earnings per episodeįor example, here’s how we calculate earnings for a 3,025 word episode (30 Tokens) when the Tokens are purchased on the web in a 200 Tokens bundle versus an 1,100 Tokens bundle.Here’s how earnings per episode will be calculated: In this case, the fee will be deducted from the revenue that is shared. We plan to make Tokens available through mobile channels that charge a fee. You can view the number of Tokens needed to unlock an episode on the episode setup page.

kindle vella

Token pricing may change before Kindle Vella stories are made available to readers, but here is an example of the Token purchase experience on the web: We plan to have several bundle options available for readers to purchase Tokens on the web and in the Kindle for iOS app. For example, it takes six Tokens to unlock a 638-word episode. Readers can purchase and redeem Tokens to unlock later episodes. To give readers a chance to check out a story, they can read the first three episodes of every story without redeeming Tokens. A link to the particular Kindle Vella section is included at the bottom of that section.) Kindle Vella Royalties Use Tokens to unlock episodes Read episodes (Note: PG has removed all the embedded links in the excerpts below. It may no longer be relevantįrom KDP Publishing’s Kindle Vella section:

Kindle vella